Sunday, 25 November 2007


Okay I got a bit post happy today

But here is the rough recipe I made up for the pie..

all amounts.. rough..I go by eye!


Fresh Mature Coconut- 1 small one; Grated all the flesh

Added a little water

Mixed up well

Addedcarob powder- 2 tsb

Raw cacoa - 2tsbVanillaT

ouch of agave- just a drop

Mix it up..check its right for pressing- a little moist still

Press this into pan--- chill


2 Very ripe Banana

hanful chopped dates/soaked with the soakwater- about 100ml soak water

blend up- should be rich coloured

Pour into mixing bowl

Stir in

Raw agave-- to taste

Cocoa and Carob to taste


Coconut oil 2-3tbsp(enough to set it solid)

{ IF it isnt thick enough-- add some more coconut}

Pour this thick mixture into the pie crust, hold back enough liquid to make base for icing---


A cup full of the filling

Add more

raw cocoa

Coconut oil -- 1tbsp

little agave if needed -- or could add more soaked dates

{ if its too sticky add some filtered water}

mix it all by hand, put it in the fridge to get stiff like icing-- once the pie is fully set 4 hours or so, top the cake with this-- will set hard and make a lovely extra chocolately topping

Raw-k on :)

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