Here is what I picked up today, a combination of organic and conventional!! Got loads for under £20!
Clear Agave
Pear Pack Family(8-10)
Organic Celery
Organic Family Pack Peppers( 8-9)
2 Large cups 880ml
Frozen Organic Raspberry packet (300g)
Organic Banana(1 hand, 3 loose)
Pineapple pot(400g)
Tray of Mango's(2 large)
1/2 Watermelon
Organic Baby Spinach (300g)
Organic Baby Spinach
Family bag Avocado (6-8)
Lemon and Lime organic pack (6)
Yum Yum, lots of goodies for my green smoothies!!
Loving it at the moment, just the simplicity, reading a lot of Sarah's blog at the moment, she was such an amazing inspiration to me when starting off and guess what, she still is!! Her posts on being a SUPER Shopper are coming in handy! I am off to pick up some pallets of oranges later on! woohoo!!
I stopped today for lunch, had a huge glass of Orange juice and got chatting with the juice bar owner..sat for a bit watching the world go by, was lovely!! Oh to have more days like today would be just blissful!!
On a slightly less romantic note..but still pretty cool.. When I went in for orange juice before my juice feast, it was through me in 20 minutes and I was SICK as a dog, this time..I was fine!! Yipeeeee! I was scared though in case that happened again, especially since I was lugging around two bags of produce! ha!
I was drooling over their Blendtech...mmm.. I think I might try making some orange juice at home..maybe invest in a citrus juicer.. sounds like a good idea to me!! Isn't the time of year for investing in fancy kitchen bits..with all this lush produce!! Yummersss
Also got these really cool Sippy cups, two for 99p!!! They hold 880ml of fluid, so perfect for using for drinking smoothies, storing or taking to work. I couldn't believe my luck finding them.. especially since they were nestled in on the end of the bread aisle!! lol that's what I call A DRINK!!
If your wondering about the Agave, I don't normally use it, favouring raw local honey, but thought I would give it a go and see how I feel with it. Just to sweeten some GS with stronger greens perhaps, that was the idea. Most things are more than sweet enough for me. Also the raw honey I have left is seriously hard now, ever tried getting that stuff into the you end up with more on your hand/wooden spoon/floor..than in the darn blender!!
My thighs are hurting like mad.. I thought it would be fun to do some yoga squats I saw featured on Renegade health lol.. . those guys are fab! Love their shows and little demos, such a cute awesome couple. Check them out on youtube, their mexican raw food demo is soo funny!
Done again tonight, 30 of those burn your thighs Yoga squats, then basic weights. Short and sweet!
Now going to relax some, will post up my evening smoothie etc a bit later!!